Showing all 4 results

Out of stock
275,00 kr.

Try all 3 of this years famous ‘Wedding Series’ from Fanø Bryghus, and save some money. All 3 are imperial stouts with lactose, aged in red wine barrels, white port barrels and Stauning Whisky barrels. Nordby, Fanø, Denmark 3 x 50cl. Bottles.

Bundle Offers


270,00 kr.

Save up to 15% and choose a bundle. Always 6 different beers of our current stock.

Bundle Offers


180,00 kr.

Save up to 15% and choose a bundle. Always 4 different beers of our current stock.

75,00 kr.

Én af Danmarks mest populære sodavand. Brygget for første gang i 1974 og kendetegner sig ved at være tappet på originale ølflasker. Skive, Denmark 0% 6 x 33cl. Bottle.

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